Hero Electric Chairman Naveen Munjal sharing his views at the ground breaking ceremony of its new 2,00,000 unit electric two wheeler capacity plant spread around 10 acres at Ludhiana, confirmed that besides building capacity for existing product lines, the plant will act as a hub for building new battery design and development and futuristic products.
" It is the right time to develop battery ecosystem as India's EV revolution rides on two wheels making this the perfect time to expand and grow. The upcoming greenfield plant will aid in delivering the best mobility solution and catering to increased demand for e2Ws. This is our second facility, and as we march ahead, we will invest in expanding capacities to achieve the target of 1 million capacities by 2025.” Munjal said
The Indian EV industry aided by the growth of electric two wheelers is going through long waiting periods affirmed Sohinder Gill, CEO of Hero Electric. "This plant would be functional in a record time of 7 months with the material flow has been designed in collaboration with a Japanese firm to implement some of the modern manufacturing and quality processes and ensuring meanwhile minimum effluents and waste.” Gill said.
The announcement of a new facility comes months after the company announced raising its annual production capacity to 1 million units in the next three years.